Why I Give…
Kruti Patel
The new Kennett Library & Resource Center is a great project and it will be the educational hub of our county. Knowledge is power, and lots of ideas will be born from this great place, and we are glad we are able to contribute.
Tom Swett
Libraries are an escape into another world, and I have been escaping to a library since I was 6 years old.
Dan and Amanda Gannon
It’s a family thing for us. We are in the library at least once a week. We are fans of both adult and children’s series, so we think of the library as a streaming service for books.
John and Corien Siepelinga
The library provides community in a way we have always been grateful for. We had frequent work-related moves in our lives and the library was always a place that our family could connect with and feel at home wherever we were. Friendly faces and fabulous stories create lasting good memories – the library is something we love to support!
Mike and Nancy Pia
The new Library will offer traditional and innovative learning experiences for all children in southern Chester County.
Shelia Tekavec
The children’s library is near and dear to my heart. I got my first public library card when I was in the first grade at Lake Harbin Elementary School in Clayton County, GA. My teacher sent us on a scavenger hunt, and it’s funny – I don’t recall any of the other items on the list. I know what an important resource the new library will be to our community. I’m confident that countless children will pass through the doors over the years, and later in life they will recall their love of learning in that wonderful space.
Peter Kjellerup and Mandy Cabot
The Kennett Community deserves this new Library, and we are thrilled to be part of this extraordinary project.
Kate and Drew Yetter
We give because libraries are community spaces at their core. From kids crafts, lego club, and music activities to book clubs and knitting groups, the Kennett Library supports a range of interests and builds community connections. The new library will offer even more collaborative learning spaces we all can enjoy.
Brenda Williams-Mercomes
One of my fondest childhood memories is of checking out my first library book at the age of six. So, from that time to this, libraries have always been magical places that bring me joy.
Jeff and Carol Yetter
It’s not just a library, but a much-needed gathering space for our whole community — with meeting rooms, maker spaces, and an auditorium.
Wes and Annette Bowers
We support the library because it is essential to our live. It’s where we find new ideas as well as community.
Steven and Ann Hutton
We are excited that the new facility will be both a first-class, modern library in the traditional sense and a much-needed resource center for the community.
Nationally and internationally, research has proven the economic, educational, and social value of libraries
Golden Age of Libraries Dawn Again
Why Libraries May Never Stop Being People Places
Share Beyond the Pandemic, Libraries Look Toward a New Era
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